Wednesday, June 17, 2020

July 2020 Newsletter

Dear Boardie,
Q. Any updates on the roof?
A.  Yes! There’s good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?
Q. Good.
A. Okay. After months of extreme and intense planning we are finally maybe possibly getting our much - promised new roof. Yessirree. If you sense a lack of conviction in my voice it’s because getting a new roof is COMPLICATED. I won’t bore you with the gory details. We’re going to have a beautiful new roof! The most beautiful roof in Pacific Beach. A perfect roof with a railing around it. A roof that will protect us from heat and rain like you won’t believe. And our roof will have a Davit drop-down system so the window washers can stop making like Spiderman.
Q.  You convinced me. I’m in love with the new roof idea. What’s the bad news?
A. We’re completely removing the old roof and starting from scratch. It will be noisy and dirty. A chute will be built to carry the debris from the roof down to the street. That probably won’t be pretty. There will be trucks, cranes, stacks of building materials. Planter beds are vulnerable but Landscape Committee was planning an update anyway.
Q. What about the roof job vis a vis the pandemic?
A. There will be up to eight workers who will be wearing facemasks in the common area. They will be using only one elevator, will have their own porta john and their health will be verified.

The Car You Save May Be Your Own

Recently early in the early AM, our security camera captured video of two sinister characters testing door handles of cars in the upper garage. If you follow you are well aware that an unlocked car is an invitation to lose your valuables and possibly your car itself. Just lock it. So simple.

How to Be More Secure

As a precaution for Coronavirus transmission, our lobby door has been propped open during the day to minimize touching the handle. It gets closed around 5 (and if you come home at 5:30 and it’s still propped open – please move the sandbag and close the door).
Recently around 6 PM our Lobby security cameras caught a group of five young men letting themselves into the building using a pass code. They had towels and swim fins, obviously intent on taking a little dip in our swimming pool. Luckily they were foiled in their attempt because they had no key to the pool. But we don’t want any strangers wandering around the building.
So, it’s worth reminding people NEVER USE OR GIVE OUT the Mailman/FedEx’s secret 4 digit pass code (if you know it). The more people who have that code the more chance every Tom, Dick and Harry One-time Gig Worker can come back and just let themselves in any time they want. Not cool.
Your Pizza deliveryperson, furniture deliverymen or laborers should ONLY be punching in your separate passcode issued only to you. During Covid, we were hoping you would meet the deliverymen in the lobby so that fewer people pass through the building. However…
1.    Dial the resident’s personal unique SECRET 4 digit access number. Example: #5555 (don’t forget to type in the # hashtag) and the door will open.
2.    Dial the resident’s 4-digit Unit Number to call the resident’s phone so they can buzz you in.
Unit 215, Dial 0215 (we added the 0 to make it 4 digits)
Unit 1213, Dial 1213
(Note – not every phone is connected to the intercom.)

Monday, June 1, 2020

June Newsletter

Dear Boardie,
Q. All we hear about is Covid, Covid, Covid. Isn’t there any other news in the building?
A. There’s plenty of other building news but the pandemic will still be with us by the time you read this.

COVID PROGRESS REPORT. At the time of this writing, we know of no person in the building who has caught Covid. That’s very good news, but not time to let down our guard against this highly contagious and deadly disease. Wash your hands 20 seconds as soon as you come home. Wash your hands immediately after returning from the Laundry Room. Wear a mask.

BUILDING MANAGER – Our dedicated Building Manager Joseph Arellano is now back full time, and we appreciate his daily troubleshooting. BUT please practice Social Distancing and do not enter his office. Stand no closer than his doorway to chat with him. Call or text him at 619.339.3490. The virus is no excuse to ignore a problem in your unit like a leaky toilet or hearing a sound that seems wrong. Call Joseph!

LAUNDRY ROOM – Try to be alone. If someone is folding their laundry, come back later. Sure it seems unfriendly, but this is the new friendly.

POOL – The new Covid pool rules are working. No more than about ten swimmers can occupy the pool area, NO GUESTS. Our lounges will be washed down twice a week. Please remember to limit your sunning to 2 hours so others can enjoy the pool too.

ELEVATORS – This Covid rule needs to be taken more seriously. This is a time to NOT do the polite thing and invite strangers to crowd into the elevators with you. This is the time for Social Distancing. Try to ride the elevator alone or with your partner or take the stairs. Please don’t take offence if the elevator stops on your floor and the riders inside hold up their hands in the Stop Sign – choosing to ride alone. Forgive them. They are just being safe.

MASKS – Please for the sake of your health and the health of others, wear a mask. A mask will also create barrier so you don’t inadvertently touch your nose or mouth (which is how the virus gets in). 

PIZZA DELIVERY – If possible, meet your delivery person in the lobby so that less strangers from outside are in our elevators and hallways.

BUDDY SYSTEM – We thank our volunteer Buddies who have been helping residents in various ways such as computer coaching over the phone, getting groceries for people, going to the post office, rolling up notices and putting them on 118 doors and posting notices on the laundry room bulletin boards. If you are sequestered and need a Buddy’s help, contact Buddy Coordinators Brandt Montgomery or Karyl Miller. 


ANNUAL MEETING - Due to uncertainty about the virus we were not able to schedule our normal June Annual Meeting and Board Elections. Elections and Annual Meeting are postponed till possibly August or September.
There are also new State rules governing HOA Elections (having nothing to do with the virus) that must be adopted by the board this year. You will be getting a special mailing informing you about the elections and inviting you to nominate yourself. The annual meeting will probably take place on computer using Zoom and you will be given a notice on to how to log on.
Incentives to vote: As usual, we are offering one free month ($450) dues to one lucky voter. So vote!

UPDATE - ROOF! FINALLY! Our new roof project will begin around June 15 and will go on for about two months. First the old roof will have to be removed. A trash tunnel will be set up going all the way down to the street. It will be noisy and dirty and we are sorry for the inconvenience. Due to the virus precautions, roofers will be wearing masks in the common areas, and will have their own portable toilet

Newsletter Written by Karyl Miller and Edited by Trish Mylet