Monday, November 29, 2021

December 2021 Newsletter



Check out our website/blog for downloading Rules & Regs, forms and fascinating building info




            THANKS SANTA!


Since there’s a delay between when this gets written and when it gets distributed, Happy post-Thanksgiving and/or pre–Merry Christmas.


This is an ideal time to thank those who deserve thanks for keeping this building going. First and foremost, we thank our dedicated Building Manager Joseph Arellano. He’s here every day all day and on call 24/7. Many a night he has raced over here for an emergency after most of us are snuggled in our beds. He’s a problem-solver and friend to all, including those with four legs. We also thank our industrious janitors: Victor Gonzales, and Maria and Francisco Cardenas.  


Lastly would it be too much to suggest you thank your Board, and in particular our president Mark Cabaj?  HOAs get such a bad rap -especially on the Internet. But the truth is these seven generous volunteers spend untold hours poring over repair contracts, educating themselves on the Internet and having meetings – all with the goal of making our building safe, clean and in good repair. We do our best.



                     HOLIDAY DECORATIONS

Holiday decorations are permitted from Halloween season

through New Year’s Eve.  After that all decorations and string lights are not allowed on your balcony or your doors.  Please wrap your dead Christmas tree in a sheet so as not to fill the hallways and elevators with pine needles. Thank you.



Pacific Tower Homeowner’s Association has a monthly meeting, usually the third Tuesday of every month and if you’re an owner, you’re invited!  Meet your Board and neighbors. Find out where your $540 is going. We’d love to have you! If you get bored, you’re welcome to leave – no pressure.


Since the pandemic, we’ve held our meetings on Zoom instead of gathering in- person in the Rec Room and many owners have taken advantage of participating virtually from the comfort of their units. Pajamas are permitted (if not too sexy).


At the beginning of each meeting, homeowners are invited to ask questions of the Board, raise issues or lodge complaints for five minutes per person.


If you have a computer and would like to get a Zoom invitation for the next meeting, please email If you don’t have a computer, you can still join the meeting by phone. Meeting announcement posted in the Lobby 4 days before the meeting gives the Zoom Meeting phone number so you can join by phone. 


President – Mark Cabaj, Vice President - Karyl Miller, Secretary – Julie Menas, Treasurer – Anthony Mariucci, Directors – Troy Krich, Robin Del Pape, and George Kyrala.


Newsletter Written by Karyl Miller and Edited by Trish Mylet


Covid Updates and Rules

As of this writing no one in the building has caught Covid that we know of. Yay! But Delta is still in the air. Yes, we have vaccines, but some people cannot take the vax for various reasons. Please be careful. It ain’t over till it’s over. Social distance is still a good thing and so are masks. At least have a mask at-the-ready. Thank you. 





On-Site Maintenance Cell Phone (Joseph Arellano) 619.339.3490 – Call or Text

On-Site Maintenance Office Land Line - 858.272.0860

Professional HOA Consultants (PHOAC) - 619.229.0044

*NEW: After Hours Emergencies 800.395.6036

Community Association Manager – Keisha Kendall 619.229.0044 ext.16 email:

PHOAC Accounts Receivable -


November 2021 Newsletter



Check out our website/blog for downloading Rules & Regs, forms and fascinating building info



          Not sure now many remember this rom-com movie title from 1994 but that is exactly what happened in our building. We had four weddings and a funeral.  On the fourth floor, four couples got married and one owner died. Is there something special on the fourth floor? Obviously, it was lucky for eight people.  Maybe there are floors with similar love stories, but nobody is bragging about it. Love in the age of the pandemic! Can’t make this stuff up!


                        BABY TALK

Speaking of the building’s demographic, Pacific Tower has changed a lot in the past ten years. What was once a building of  longtime owners of advanced age, is now a building of young people surfing and starting families. One young PT mom, Yuka Asada has started a parent network to share baby and toddler info and items. And while the group has suspended in-person get-togethers since the pandemic, they hope to resume play dates in the near future. To connect with Yuka call or text 312.401.2171.



          In case you’re wondering what happened to our soon-to-be-built roof? Welp… again and again, there’s a hitch in it. The short of it: After getting almost all our very complicated ducks in order, all the building supplies are on back order! When would we get these precious supplies? Maybe three months, but they make no promises. Are we going to build a roof in the middle of the rainy season? Hell no. Therefore, it seems like our new roof won’t materialize till the summer of ’22.


                          HOLIDAY DECORATIONS

Holiday decorations are permitted from Halloween season through New Year’s Eve.  After that all decorations and string lights are not allowed.



A gentle reminder for those who forgot, hanging your laundry or your towels or your wetsuit over your railing to dry is a NO-NO. The Rules and Regulations are clear on this. Laundry racks are also against the rules. And you cannot deny it is unsightly. We appreciate your cooperation.

                                       HOA MEETINGS

Pacific Tower Homeowner’s Association has a monthly meeting, usually the third Tuesday of every month and if you are an owner, you’re invited!  Meet your Board and neighbors. Find out where your $540 is going. We’d love to have you! If you get bored, you’re welcome to leave – no pressure.


Since the pandemic, we’ve held our meetings on Zoom instead of gathering in- person in the Rec Room and many owners have taken advantage of participating virtually from the comfort of their units. Pajamas are permitted if not too sexy.


At the beginning of each meeting, homeowners are invited to ask questions of the Board, raise issues or lodge complaints for five minutes per person.


If you have a computer and would like to get a Zoom invitation for the next meeting, please email If you don’t have a computer, you can still join the meeting by phone. Meeting announcement posted in the Lobby 4 days before the meeting gives the Zoom Meeting phone number so you can join by phone. 



President – Mark Cabaj, Vice President - Karyl Miller, Secretary – Julie Menas, Treasurer – Anthony Mariucci, Directors – Troy Krich, George Kyrala, and Robin Del Pape.


Newsletter Written by Karyl Miller and Edited by Trish Mylet


Covid Updates and Rules

As of this writing no one in the building has caught Covid. Yay! But Delta is in the air. Everyone is asked to be careful. It ain’t over till it’s over. Social distance is still a good thing and so are masks. At least have a mask at the ready. Thank you. 





On-Site Maintenance Cell Phone (Joseph Arellano) 619.339.3490 – Call or Text

On-Site Maintenance Office Land Line - 858.272.0860

Professional HOA Consultants (PHOAC) - 619.229.0044

*NEW: After Hours Emergencies 800.395.6036

Community Association Manager – Keisha Kendall 619.229.0044 ext.16 email:

PHOAC Accounts Receivable -