Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Is Your Garage Remote Naughty or Nice?

See the photo below? If your remote has a number on it, you are good to go. If your remote is bad and does not have a number on it, please visit the Lobby Office for a free swap upgrade to nice. Thanks.

Fire Inspection

June 15 we had our building’s annual fire inspection and are happy to report we passed with flying colors and with only a few tiny corrections to be made. Important to note again and again, – even though Pacific Tower is solid concrete so that flames seem unlikely - smoke can kill you. Smoke is the reason all laundry room and hallway fire doors must be kept closed, so that if there is a fire, the smoke won’t travel through the building.

Cleanest Pipes in Town

The HOA would like to thank everyone for their wonderful cooperation in tackling the task of entering their units for Hydro Jetting the sink drain lines. People who were at work, out of the state, or had a dog all contacted us and helped make special arrangements.

Safe Storage

The Lobby Office now has an actual safe for storage of your keys, if you would like the Office to keep one for you in case of an emergency. It also stores remote codes in the safe for those who have keypads.

Bye Bye Bye

Someone is always moving in or out at Pac Tower and we’re sad to see anyone go (usually).  Typically moving takes place during working hours at the end of the month.  The itinerant person reserves the elevator to load up their worldly possessions and has a professional mover come to take them away.  We LIKE that person and are sorry to see them go.

However, that is not always the case.

WORST CASE SCENERIO: A person moves out without telling the Lobby Office in advance.  They don’t reserve the elevator.  They move out on a weekend (not allowed).They move out at night (not allowed).They move out DO-IT-YOURSELF style.  Allowed, but not always appreciated and below explains why!
Since it’s too late to call Goodwill, they jam their lava lamp, antique hope chest, rocking and wooden spinning wheel down our preciously small trash chute (which is for FOOD trash).  This sets off an ear-splitting cacophony and ultimately creates a Mt. Everest pile of junk in our dumpster that will quickly and easily block the entire trash chute – sometimes going all the way to the 12th floor.  And on a weekend when there is no staff here to fix it!
Next, they use our gorgeous, brand new shopping carts to schlep their last incidentals to their car which is parked way down on Wilbur and Bayard.  Then they leave the cart on the curb for it to be adopted by its next owner, not Pac Tower.
So, owners or renters or owners who rent to people, please, we beg of you, please hear our cry when you kiss us good-bye.

Karyl Miller, Building Manager