Tuesday, January 5, 2016

How's Your Plumbing?

Here's a New Year's Resolution for 2016 you may have not thought of:


Thanks to longtime resident Azita Aparicio, here's a list of links to make your pipes sing!

- how to keep plumbing free of buildup with proper and regular maintenance (kitchen and bathroom):

- commercial plumbing cleaners that should NEVER be used (despite their claims of opening clogged drains):


This concludes Part One of your lesson for today. Part Two will include these topics:
- a list of items that are NOT allowed to be flushed down the toilet
- recommended detergents to use for laundry and bathtubs that are low sudsing
- actions to take and contact information if unit is flooded or if you have plumbing issues (both during and after business hours)

Christmas Elves Caught on Security Cam!

By now you have all seen the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in our lobby. Were you wondering who decorated it? The tree was selected from Green Gardens by our staff. John McLean and Marvin Mendez added the lights. Elves, caught by our security cam did the trimming while humming Christmas Carols. Here’s the photo from our security cam.

Giving Thanks

At year’s end we thank our staff John McLean, Marvin Mendez and Gerry Gutierrez for keeping our building clean and repaired, for giving out forms, getting quotes, emailing vendors, and the myriad tasks they undertake throughout the year. This is John’s 15th year at Pacific Tower and Marvin’s 11th!

We also thank our Board of Governors who meets monthly to discuss and vote on all issues having to do with the building, as well as exchanging untold numbers of emails every day.  Thanks to VP Kathleen Morgan, Treasurer Tom Ward, Carol Foreman, Trish Mylet, Bob Weber Antoinette Hamilton and little ole me. Lastly, we thank our Menas Manager Kristine Bermudez for all she does for our building.

Dead Christmas Tree?

                         Dear Boardie,
Q. Now that Christmas is over, what do I do with my dead Christmas tree?

A. Thanks for asking.  1. Please wrap your tree in an old sheet before you take it out of your unit to minimize the horror of a bazillion dry pine needles piling up in our hallways and elevator.  2. Drop it off at Kate Sessions Memorial Park (corner of Soledad and Loring), which is accepting old trees for disposal. 

PASSING PARADE Passes by Pac Tower

12.11.15, 100 Santas walked by and you missed it? You’re welcome.