Wednesday, September 17, 2014

New Rules for Fluffy and Fido

            You recently received a mailing from Menas containing a copy of our new Community Association Pet Rules and New Rec Room Rules. Your Board, along with Tom Ward and input from concerned residents labored diligently to hammer out the rules and the exact wording for the new official rules for both Pets and the Rec Room.
Q.  Why did we need new rules?
A.   The old rules were not specific enough. We felt the rules had to be stated clearly for the safety and enjoyment of everyone in the community. We increased the Pet Rules charges to cover the cost of cleaning and/or replacing soiled carpet and to send a message of how seriously we take our rules. We changed from charging for the Rec Room to taking a refundable deposit instead for “renting” the Rec Room instead. Forms for both are available from Menas. Owners should send a copy of the New Rules to their tenants.   

Sunday, September 14, 2014

New Rules for Fluffy and Fido

      You recently received a mailing from Menas containing a copy of our new Community Association Pet Rules and New Rec Room Rules. Your Board, along with Tom Ward and input from animal-loving residents labored diligently to hammer out the rules and the exact wording for the new official rules.
Q.  Why did we need new rules?

A.   The old rules were not specific enough. We felt the rules had to be stated clearly for the safety and enjoyment of everyone in the community. We increased the charge to cover the cost of cleaning and/or replacing soiled carpet squares and to send a message of how seriously we take our rules. New rules go into effect October 1, 2014 so if your pet is already registered under the old rules, you will not have to pay the increase.

They're Painting Again?!

      Don’t you just love the sound of electric grinding in the morning? This is actually music to the Board’s ears. Why? Because we felt the recent paint job that was part of our remodeling project turned out less than perfect. The paint on the elevator doors and some of the residence doors were already nicked and or peeling. Through the efforts of the Board, Tom Ward and other interested residents, we demanded and got our painting contractors to return and revise the job and make good on their guarantee. We’re very happy with the result and hope you are too. 

Those *#%&* Elevators!

      Recently, you might have felt that thrilling surge of your blood pressure spiking when the blare of a fire engine got louder and then STOPPED - and you thought “It’s here!”  Breathlessly, you run to your window or race down hallway. You peer down and see the ambient flash of a spinning Fire Truck Spot Light as it sweeps across the dark. Wilbur looks like the end of every cop movie you’ve ever seen. Heart pounding, you hope none of your favorite neighbors is having a heart attack.

      Someone was stuck in an elevator. “What floor?” I asked the fireman. “Not sure,” he says as he puts his ear on the elevator doors, thumps it and yells upward, “Fire Department! What floor are you on?” Getting no answer, he high tails it up the stairs. Moments later a muffled female voice is heard “Hello? I’m on 11. Hello?”  All very dramatic and over in minutes.  Our trusty 24 Hour Elevator Repair service got to work post haste. A part was needed, so the elevator had to be shut down temporarily. Etc. Etc.

      So what’s going on with the %&*# elevators? Short answer: They’re not young anymore. We all wish we were 41 again, but 41 is actually middle age in the life of an elevator. After a recent building inspection, engineers verified that our elevators are still good for another13 to 28 years. So, like people born in 1973, our elevators might need a little Botox now and then. We’ve been assured that they are completely safe and cannot fall. Getting stuck between floors was a rarity and help comes quickly. September 15 -19, Bergelectric will be replacing the electrical cables in each of our cars. Inconvenience will ensue. Lighting may be effected. Please be cool.

Pool News

      So happy to report this summer we have had no late-night swimmers. All it took was closing the pool earlier (at 9) and installing an outdoor infrared security camera at great expense! Yay!

      Did you know we have a life raft hanging on the South Wall of the pool enclosure? If somebody is drowning, why not be nice and throw him or her a life raft?
      If you’re just playing in the pool, remember the life raft is NOT a toy – so keep your pruney paws off! 

      The bad pool news = loud music. Please don’t fancy yourself a disc jockey spinning platters or blasting your Spotify faves for the enjoyment of every ear within 50 feet. If people living poolside can hear your music, it’s TOO loud. Make friends, get earbuds. 

A Bunch of Garbage

A Bunch of Garbage
Ever had that sinking feeling when you jam two dozen corn husks into your garbage disposal and it REBELS? It just grinds and grinds wimp-ily and you know it’s dead and you killed it? Newsflash: The HOA is NOT going to pay your plumbing bill. You dood it, you pay for it. This  expense can be easily avoided by learning about the care and feeding of a garbage disposal
Grease - solidifies inside your drain and creates clogs
Pasta and rice – uncooked expands with water, causes clogs.
Coffee grounds – get caught in the drain
Apple cores, pits, seeds
Eggshells – membrane can wrap around blades
Bones - too strong

Cold water for 20-30 seconds before and after grinding food
Liquids and soft foods, chopped foods
Dish soap
Ice cubes  - grind lemon flavored cubes for a nice smell