Saturday, July 25, 2020

Happy Anniversary Joseph!

July marks the 2-year anniversary of Joseph Arellano as our dedicated Building Manager. We think he’s doing a terrific job at what is not an easy job - fielding complaints and putting out fires (figuratively!) all day and sometimes on nights and weekends. When you see him say thanks! Remember, if you have any problem, no matter how small call or text him at 858. 339.3490.

Roof News

Dear Boardie,
    Q.  I thought the roof remodel would be started by now. What happened?
    A.  So much planning and so many factors have come together and there’s now a hold up on            the very first part of the roof job – the removal of the old roof. Stay tuned…

Board Elections

Dear Boardie,
    Q. What happened to the usual June Annual Party and Board Elections?
    A. Covid happened.
    Q. So what’s the plan?
    A. July 12, a notice came from PHOAC announcing the coming Board elections. A third-party called        Ballot Box will be sending you a ballot. Elections will take place on Zoom, not in-person.
    Q. Why should I vote?
    A.  The Board decides where your monthly $450 is going, so it’s an important choice. You can vote     for those running or you can write in any name, including your own. We need at least 40 people to vote to qualify as an election.

BONUS: As an incentive to vote we will raffle off a free month’s HOA fee to one voter. Odds are very good since there are only 117 possible voters. What have you got to lose?

Newsletter Written By Karyl Miller and Edited by Trish Mylet