Sunday, November 24, 2019

                                                                November  21,  2019
Between now and January 5 you may put holiday decorations
including lights on your balcony.

After that date, decorations and lights are NOT allowed.

Amazon and other packages have recently been stolen from several unit doors. To ensure you get your packages, either require a signature or have them sent to a local Amazon or UPS pick-up location. If you get an email that your package has been delivered and it’s not at your front door, check the lobby. Seasonal delivery people have been known to dump and run.

An unlocked car was recently burglarized in our upper garage. Always lock your car and never have anything valuable showing on the seats.

Don’t you love watching hundreds of Santas running past our building? The famous Santa 5K and One Mile Run will be racing past us Saturday, December 14 around 9:15 AM.
Need more Christmas? The PB Holiday Parade begins at 1 PM starting on Haines and going west down Garnet, also December 14.


                                  WE’RE  BAAACK

After more than a year’s respite, your Pacific Tower monthly newsletter, along with our online blog, PacificTowerHOA.ORG are both happily back in action.  Our blog has all our old newsletters plus searchable helpful hints. Want to know about your toilet? Look it up. What to know what not to throw down your disposal? It’s all there! The blog also contains downloadable CC&Rs, Rules and Regulations, Pet Rules, forms for Violations, Elevator Reservations and other valuable info. Anyone can log on, no registration required.
We are committed to bringing you news about the building, more helpful hints and answers to your questions. 
Karyl Miller, writer  
Trish Mylet, editor

                             WHAT’S  WITH THE  &*%$@! LOBBY?

Dear Boardie,
QUESTION: What the #%&*! happened to our lobby?
ANSWER: The problem with the lobby is the roof.
EXPLAIN PLEASE: Both the lobby and the roof needed remodeling. After the Board interviewed lobby designers and architects and zeroed in on a design, we started with the most basic change in the lobby (raising the ceiling). By that time, the Board realized getting a new roof before the rainy season begins had to take precedent. Timing is everything.
BOTTOM LINE: It was a simple case of age before beauty.
QUESTION: When will the roof be finished?
BETTER QUESTION: When will the roof get started?
ANSWER: Hopefully by the time you read this the roof job will have commenced.
WHY NOT? Not only do we have to completely remove the 1974 roof, we have to create a 2020 roof that meets new OSHA standards and Building Regulations.
FAIR WARNING: The roof job will take eight weeks and will be dirty and noisy. Free earplugs are available in the Lobby Office.
WHAT’S THE HOLD UP? Your Board, since committing to the task and educating themselves as to the best type of replacement roof and then finding the best contractors to do the job, have encountered more restrictions and regulations than a dog has fleas. Also, there are different inspectors for various parts of the roof, and surprise surprise, some agencies are understaffed. So before we even start, we have been forced to play the waiting game.
LONG ANSWER: The six board members and your president are Pacific Tower owners, just like you. Dispite their busy lives, they are and have been amazingly generous with their time. These volunteers shoulder the great burden of making decisions that will affect all of us for years to come. They don’t take their duties lightly.
Both the roof and the lobby are huge headaches involving interviewing experts, surfing the web (to get an education about boring stuff such as types of roofs) and learning about (Ugh!) compliance codes for what was a modern building in 1974. They’re doing their best to improve the building. They should be thanked.
TRICK QUESTION: What if roof delays push us too close to the rainy season?
ANSWER: We’ll pull the ole’ switcheroo and finally get our beautiful lobby! And that’s a promise.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

September 2019 

Everything You Wanted to Know about Pacific Tower 

But Were Afraid to Ask 

Even people who have lived here years don’t know everything about the building, so here’s a handy list of facts you can save, plus a few cool phone numbers and websites. Rules listed aren’t the ONLY rules, but these are the most frequently misunderstood. Vendors and tradesmen listed are some we use but you are always free to choose your own.

Please visit our blog for a free digital copy of our Rules and Regulations as well as other forms and helpful articles about the building. Download all our forms. Please see, call or text on-site Building Manager Joseph Arellano, with any and all questions, no matter how trivial at 619.339.3490.

AFTER-HOURS BUILDING EMERGENCIES: Menas Realty Emergency line 619.744.9883

BALCONIES: No smoking, rugs, laundry/wetsuits, towels, storage, BBQs, decorative string lights or
plants without plastic plates underneath them.

CATWALK: No smoking, party-ing, loud yakking, running, noise, music, wet towels, wetsuits, rugs.

CONSTRUCTION: 8 AM to 5 PM Monday –Friday. Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM.

ELEVATOR RESERVATION FORM: Required for use of the elevator for delivery of furniture or removal of remodeling debris etc. $50 per day. Available on our blog, website or in the Lobby Office.

GARBAGE DISPOSALS: No Drano, celery, artichokes, etc. and please run lots of cold water while grinding.

HANDYMAN: West Coast Repairs (Doug Peters) 619.760.7975

KEYS: Your large square key opens the Front Lobby doors, the Dumpster Room, The Exterior stairway doors, Lower Garage Lobby Doors, Pool and Rec Room. You can get a second key for a deposit of $75.

LOWER GARAGE GATE REMOTES are $35, available in the Lobby Office by check or money order.

LAUNDRY: You can use the machines on any floor. Leave washer door open after using to prevent mold. Empty lint filter after using dryer. Do NOT prop open Laundry Room Doors by order of the Fire Department.

LOBBY OFFICE HOURS: 8 AM to 5 PM weekdays. Call or text 619.339.3490.

LOCKSMITHS: If the Lobby Office does NOT have your spare key you will need to call a locksmith. Never leave your spare key in your laundry room locker as they are easily broken into.

Dup-a-Key 858.750.2224 (local in PB), Mike Grizzly Keys 858.444.0437.

MAID/CLEANING SERVICES: Please tell maids not to throw boxes down the trash chute. (Boxes clog the chute.)

Spanish: Por favor no tire cajas o bolletas por el ventedero dobasura.

French: Ne pas jeter de boƮtes dans la goulotte.

Please don’t shake mops or beat rugs on the catwalk or balconies.

Spanish: No sacuda los trapeadores ni golpee las alfombras en la pasarela or balcones.

French: Veuillez ne pas secouer les vadrouilles ni battre les tapis sur les podiums ou les balcons

Don’t dump water on or over the balcony.

Spanish: No tirar el agua en el balcon.

French: Ne jetez pas d’eau sur le balcon.

MOVING IN, OUT OR LARGE DELIVERIES: Absolutely forbidden on weekends and evenings. The reason is because there is no staff here to unlock the lobby double doors or to lock down and pad the elevator. Violators may be fined $250, so please take a weekday off work for this purpose and always fill out an elevator reservation form. For last-minute deliveries, text the office at 619.339.3490.

PARKING: You can rent out or swap your parking place only temporarily. It is deeded to your unit.

PEST CONTROL: Dewey Pest 858.272.3611.

PETS: Dogs must be on a leash at all times. Anyone can download Pet Rules from .

PLUMBERS: Report any plumbing question (sink, toilet, or water where it shouldn’t be) to the

Building Manger so he can see the problem before it gets worse.

JC Plumbing 619.477.5001, Emory 858.483.6880, THA 858.284.4753

POOL: Hours 8 AM to 10 PM. Don’t dive, smoke, shout, play loud music or have glass bottles or food.

RECYCLING BINS: For paper, plastic and washed and dried cans. No garbage or containers with food particles on them. Flatten all cardboard boxes. Really large boxes should be flattened and left in the upper garage next to the Dumpster Room doors.

REMODELING: Architectural Rules and forms are available in the Lobby Office and for download at Know the limits and get written permission from the Board before making revisions to your unit.

STREET PARKING: No parking 1St Wednesday of the month, Wilbur St. (North side) 10 AM to 2 PM and Cass Street (West side) 7 AM to 10 AM. No Parking, 1St Thursday of the month, Wilbur St, (South side) 10 AM to 2 PM Cass St. (East side) 7 AM to 10 AM.

TRASH CHUTE: No cardboard boxes of any kind, EVER! No glass. Put garbage in a sealed plastic bag.

TV/CABLE: Free basic cable plus SHOWTIME and INTERNET from Spectrum comes with your unit. If you want AT&T, premium channels or hi-speed, you will have to contact them and pay for it.

WIFI: In the gym/RecRoom.  Password is posted on the refrigerator so you can Tweet while you stay in shape.

CONTACT INFO: On-Site Maintenance Office, Joseph Arellano Cell 619.339.3490. Land. 858.272.0860

Menas Emergency After- Hours 619.744.9883. Menas Daytime Non-emergency 858.270.7870

Community Association Manager (at Menas) Aysen Erbil. Email