Monday, August 11, 2014

Lobby Art

By now, everyone has seen and admired the new furniture in the inner lobby and also the new art photos of our local beaches and the Crystal Pier. The pictures were taken by PT resident Jack Zabawa, who took the bird’s eye views using his customized radio controlled paragliders and tiny GoPRO cameras.

The Gallery at Land’s End will showcase Jack’s unique photographic art at an artist reception Friday August 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. 4984 Cass St. San Diego, CA. Everyone’s invited. Refreshments will be served. Be there or be square.

POST SCRIPT FYI: Jack made no profit from lobby art. Building paid bill submitted from printing company, period.

Be Cool @ The Pool

Hey Mailman!

Recently you may have noticed that if you receive a package too large for your mailbox or it if needs a signature, a smiling postman DOES NOT show up at your door. Most likely you received a notice in your box telling you to show up at the Post Office and get the damn thing yourself. Why is this happening when Fed Ex and UPS seem to have no trouble coming right to our doors? Doesn’t the Post Office know you have better things to do than stand in and endless line waiting to sign for package from your Granny containing doilies she knitted from Mitten’s cat hair?! 

The Post Master claimed it was too difficult to get into our building (which is ridiculous). PROBLEM SOLVED: The PO is being given their own keys to the building, so soon they will have no excuse but to leave larger packages at our doors.  As to how this works out, we’ll keep you posted.

Padded Elevators

Whether you’re moving in or out or just getting a delivery from Jerome’s, it’s important to follow the rules.

Moving is only allowed Monday thru Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. Why? Because the elevator needs to be padded for protection and our Building Superintendent and staff - John, Marvin or Forrest,  must be present to unlock the lobby double doors to accommodate large pieces of furniture.  After the delivery, half  the double doors will be re- locked and secured.

Moving In/Out Elevator Reservation forms are available in advance in John McLean’s office and there is a $50 fee.

No moving is allowed on holidays, weekends or nights. If you MUST receive a large delivery on a Saturday, please try to make it in the morning when Forrest is here.  Fill out an elevator reservation in advance.

If you violate these rules and your movers or delivery men damage the elevator, you will be charged for the damages.

Up In Smoke, Down With Music

Now that it’s summer and we’ve all got our windows and doors open it’s important to be aware that we’re sharing this space and to be considerate of our neighbors.

Please don’t smoke on your balcony, the catwalk or at the pool and remind your guests smoking is only allowed INSIDE your unit. 

If your neighbors can hear your music, it’s too loud. If you have the base turned up to 11, the thumping is giving everybody a headache. If you live poolside (catwalk or 10 or 11 stack), please consider closing your doors when your music is playing.

Stork Alert

Thayne Yungman, former resident and board member, and his wife Tara Jones Yungman are expecting a little one in mid-January. We wish them the very best! Thayne was an active member of the board. He and Tara were original members of the Remodeling Committee.


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Annual Party

Refreshments were indeed served at the Pacific Tower's Annual Election and Membership meeting June 24th.  Luscious fruits, sandwiches, dips, lemonade, wine and cookies covered the kitchen's long countertop and became the initial greeting place filled with warm welcomes, spirited discussions and laughter.

When the gathering was called to order, serious business was conducted in a professional and amiable manner and once concluded the cheerful socialization resumed. Pacific Tower is its own wonderful neighborhood and I'm so delighted to part of it!
Trish Mylet

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Goodbye Patti D'donnell

Longtime resident Patti O’Donnell has sold her place at 704 and moved to the nearby White Sands La Jolla. Patti moved into Pacific Tower almost 20 years ago when her husband was sick with ALS and stayed as a widow, collecting many close friends in the building. We will miss her many spontaneous invitations for a sunset glass of wine or a delightful dinner made from one of her amazing recipes. Despite her advanced years, Patti must be admired for her computer literacy – so we will be emailing, texting and Tweeting her between visits. 

Oh Poop

Some residents parking just under the RecRoom-to-pool walkway have had the misfortune of suddenly finding their cars covered in seagull guano.

Seagulls are the birds most closely identified with the beach, so it’s no surprise they made their way over to Pacific Tower.

In order to discover the mystery of the miserable poop, our building superintendent, John McLean,  went up on the roof peered down into the top of our cell tower panels and sure enough - Pacific Tower has its very own seagull – a mother with a nest and at least one egg.  Apparently the closely-knit seagull family is circling our building in eager anticipation of the blessed event, and when you gotta go, you gotta go.

Once the chick is born, the birds will probably fly the coop. In the meantime, John is temporarily installing spikes at the top of the pool fence.  Until then, everyone walking in the upper garage is warned to wear a hat.

When is a Garage NOT a Garage?

Your parking space is for your car and not your stuff. Some spaces have room for a bike or motorcycle - and that’s permitted.
The details:
Q. Is it okay to store my surfboards? Beach chairs? A. No and No.
Q. Is it okay to store my inflatable bounce house? A. Are you kidding?
Q. Is it okay to store my Steel- Belted Radial tires (they're car related !) A. No!  

Parking Roulette

Can I sell my parking space? NO.
Can I rent my parking place? YES.
Can I swap my parking place with my friend in the building? YES, BUT ONLY TEMPORARILY.
What happens when I sell my condo? YOUR PARKINGS SPACE IS THE      ONE STATED ON YOUR DEED. PERIOD.

Office Hours

Our Building Superintendent's Office is manned till 5 PM every weekday and in the AM on weekends.

If the door is closed, the Superintendent, John McLean, or Marvin or Forrest are no doubt doing chores in the building. Call the office cell phone 619.339.3490 (for an instant response) or call the office land line 858.272.0860 and leave a message.

Committees 2014


Executive  (Makes unanimous decisions relating to imminent threat to safety and risk of substantial financial loss)
Karyl Miller - Chair
Kathleen Morgan
Peter Holmes

Legal  (Liaison with Board and our PT attorney)
Tom Ward – Chair
Kathleen Morgan

Architectural (approves alterations/modifications to common areas within individual units) 
Pat Nemeth – Chair
Trish Mylet
(REQUIRES a 3rd volunteer)

Landscaping   (Supervises, makes decisions re: plantings)
Kathleen Morgan – Chair
Carol Foreman

Building Operations (Monitors daily building maintenance)
Karyl Miller – Chair

Leasing  (Collects and maintains copies of leased condos)
Carol Foreman – Chair
Karyl Miller

CAI (Community Associations Institute, a group of HOA leaders)
Kathleen Morgan – Chair

Interior Improvement Committee (remodel public areas)
Carol Foreman – Chair
Karyl Miller

HR Committee  (Supervises building employees)
Karyl Miller – Chair
Peter Holmes

Newsletter  (Writes, edits monthly newsletter)
Trish Mylet – Editor
Karyl Miller

Finance and Collections

Board of Directors 2014

NEW Pacific Tower Board of Directors - August 2014

President                 Karyl Miller
Vice President         Kathleen Morgan
Treasurer                Antoinette Hamilton
Secretary                 Peter Holmes
Director                   Pat Nemeth
Director                   Trish Mylet
Director                   Carol Foreman